“Distant Texts/ Close Readings: Using Translation as a Tool for Literary Analysis.” Ohio University, Athens, Ohio, November 12, 2019.
“‘No era ese moro de ahora’: notas sobre un romance en Los moriscos de Hornachos.” [“That Was not the Moor from Nowdays:’ Notes on a Ballad in Los moriscos de
Hornachos.”] 14th Biennial Conference of the Society for Renaissance and Baroque Hispanic Poetry, Irvine, California, October 17-19, 2019.
“On Black Slaves: Moorishness, Blackness, and the Second Rebellion of the Alpujarras.” Symposium of the Association of Hispanic Classical Theater, Association of Hispanic
Classical Theater, El Paso, Texas, April 11-13, 2019.
“Fear and Magic in Juan Ruiz de Alarcón’s Quien mal anda en mal acaba.” Memory and Polemics: A Symposium on Moriscos, Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York, March
2, 2019.
“First as Tragedy, Then as Farce: Early Modern Adaptations of El Hamete de Toledo.” Modern Language Association (MLA) Annual Convention, Chicago, Illinois, January 3-6, 2019.
“Passing for Morisco: Trigueros’ Tricks in Mira de Amescua’s El mártir de Madrid.” Congreso Internacional de Literatura y Estudios Hispánicos, Granada, Spain, June 27-29, 2018.
“Staging Strikes and the Morisco Problem in Valencia.” Symposium of the Association for Hispanic Classical Theater (AHCT). El Paso, Texas, April 11-13, 2018.
“Troubling Contradictions: Mira de Amescua and the Moriscos.” 38th Cincinnati Conference on Romance Languages and Literatures, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio,
April, 6-7, 2018.
"Una comedia sobre Mahoma: subversión del género hagiográfico" [“A Play about Muhammad: Subversion of the Hagiographic Genre” ] Asociación Internacional de
Teatro Español y Novohispano de los Siglos de Oro (AITENSO), Mexico City, Mexico, October 23-27, 2017.
“Theater Reminiscences: The Politics of Memory after the Expulsion of the Moriscos.” Middle East Studies Association (MESA). Boston, Massachusetts, November 17-20, 2016.
“Humor and Criticism: Moriscos and Amerindians in Gaspar Aguilar’s Theater.” Kentucky Foreign Language Conference (KFLC). Lexington, Kentucky, April 14-16, 2016.
“Stereotypes in the Classroom: Dealing with the ‘Other’ in the Spanish Comedia.” Symposium of the Association for Hispanic Classical Theater (AHCT). El Paso, Texas,
March 31-April 2, 2016.
“Clandestine Performances: The Hidden Stratagems of Moriscos on Stage.” Renaissance Society of America Annual Conference (RSA). Boston, Massachusetts,
March 31-April 2, 2016.
“Theater and Islam in Early Modern Spain: The Curious Case of the Moriscos.” American Comparative Literature Association Annual Meeting (ACLA). Cambridge,
Massachusetts, March 17-20, 2016.
“Una propuesta indecente: sobre santos hortelanos, alusiones gastronómicas y moriscos expulsados en San Diego de Alcalá.” [“An Indecent Proposal: About Gardener Saints,
Gastronomic Allusions and the Expelled Moriscos in Lope de Vega’s Saint Diego of Alcala.”] Symposium of the Association for Hispanic Classical Theater (AHCT). El Paso,
Texas, March 19-21, 2015.
“‘This is a Different World’: On Antiquity in Early Modern Spanish Dramas about America.” Sixteenth Century Society and Conference. New Orleans, Louisiana, October 16-19,
“Traducir la comedia: el caso de Amar después de la muerte de Pedro Calderón de la Barca.” [Translating the Spanish Comedia: The Case of Pedro Calderón de la Barca’s Love After
Death.”] Symposium of the Association for Hispanic Classical Theater (AHCT). El Paso, Texas, February 26-March 2, 2014.
“Bibliomancy as Interpretation: Deciphering Lope de Vega’s El Hamete de Toledo.” Sixteenth Century Society and Conference. San Juan, Puerto Rico, October 24-27, 2013.
“Juan de Ribera y la expulsión de los moriscos: una representación imposible.” [“Juan de Ribera and the Expulsion of the Moriscos: An Impossible Representation.”] Symposium of
the Association for Hispanic Classical Theater (AHCT). El Paso, Texas, March 7-9, 2013.
“Efectos catárticos de la magia: miedo morisco en Quien mal anda en mal acaba de Juan Ruiz de Alarcón.” [“The Cathartic Effects of Magic: Fear of Moriscos in Juan Ruiz de
Alarcón’s He Who Follows an Evil Way Ends Badly.”] III Coloquio Internacional Juan Ruiz de Alarcón. Universidad Autónoma Ciudad Juárez, Ciudad Juárez, March 7-8, 2013.
“From a Religious Opponent to a Legal Enemy: A Paradigm Shift of the ‘Morisco’ in Los moriscos de Hornachos.” Modern Language Association (MLA) Annual Convention,
Boston, Massachusetts, January 3-6, 2013.
“West Side Story”: the Seduction of America in Lope de Vega’s El Nuevo Mundo descubierto por Cristóbal Colón Conference of American Society for Theatre Research (ASTR).
Nashville, Tennessee, November 1-4, 2012.
“Placeres prohibidos: el erotismo en La gran sultana de Miguel de Cervantes.” [“Forbidden Pleasures: Eroticism in Miguel de Cervantes’ The Great Sultana.”] 43rd Annual
Convention of Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA). Rochester, New York, March 15-18, 2012.
“Conquistas problemáticas: representación femenina en El Nuevo Mundo descubierto por Cristóbal Colón de Lope de Vega.” [“Problematic Conquests: Female Representation in
Lope de Vega’s The New World Discovered by Christopher Columbus.”] Symposium of the Association for Hispanic Classical Theater (AHCT). El Paso, Texas, March 8-12,
“The Dangerous Theater of the Moriscos: Auto de la destruyción de Troya (1575).” Symposium of the Association for Hispanic Classical Theater (AHCT). El Paso, Texas, March 3-5,
“Among Lettuce and Radishes: Religious and Sexual Difference in Lope de Vega’s San Diego de Alcalá.” Nineteenth Annual Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque Interdisciplinary
Symposium-‘Food for Thought, For Writing, and For Art.’ University of Miami, Florida, February 18-19, 2011.
“Los melindres de Belisa.” Conference of American Society for Theatre Research (ASTR). San Juan, Puerto Rico, November 11-15, 2009.
“Entre el deseo y la muerte: Eros y Tánatos en tres sonetos de Quevedo.” [“Between Desire and Death: Eros and Thanatos in Three Sonnets by Quevedo.”] VIII Biennial
Conference Society for Renaissance and Baroque Hispanic Poetry. Universidad of Córdoba, Spain, October 18–20, 2007.
“Manuel de Zequeira ante el cronista Oviedo: una ruptura con la afasia fundacional.” [“Manuel de Zequeira and the chronicler Oviedo: A Rupture with Foundational Aphasia.”]
Tercer Congreso Internacional Escritura, Individuo y Sociedad en España, Las Américas y Puerto Rico en homenaje a Luis Rafael Sánchez. University of Puerto Rico at Arecibo,
Puerto Rico, November 16-18, 2006.